Write Your Own Coda Plug-In Nov 12, 2010 blog.atj.me/id/805 cocoa, coda, fyi, os-x, projects My love for Coda knows no bounds. Except maybe the bounds of the tab bar.
Downgrading to Flash Player 9 on Mac OS X Jan 14, 2010 blog.atj.me/id/643 flash, fyi, kpcs, os-x, ppc, twit If you’ve noticed Safari crashing more often lately on your PowerPC Mac, you’re not alone.
Snow Leopard Password Prompt After Screen Sleep *BOO* Aug 31, 2009 blog.atj.me/id/469 10.6, opinion, os-x, snow-leopard Snow Leopard is different because the payoff comes later, but that fact that I’m seeing fewer obvious positives means that the irksome qualities become more pronounced.
Repair Mac OS X Keychain May 17, 2009 blog.atj.me/id/381 coda, fyi, keychain, os-x My Mac decided to stop remembering passwords.